Sl.NoPaper idAuthors NamePaper Title
12Abdul Wahid Mir and Ketti Ramachandran RamkumarAn Enhanced Implementation of Security Management System (SSMS) using UEBA in Smart Grid based SCADA Systems
23Jyoti Khandelwal and Vijay Kumar SharmaAn Analysis to Understand Various Image Steganography Techniques
34Dushyant Dubey and Jyoti KhandelwalReview on Collaboration and Coordination Between NPU, Artificial Neural Network & Deep Learning
45Jyoti Anand and Jyoti KhandelwalAn Efficient Solution for Choosing a Reliable Pathway in Wireless Body Area Networks
57Antara Sarkar, Amna Rahman, Moumita Roy Choudhury, Nikki Niketa, Afaq Ahmed and Somen NayakThe Capteur: IoT based device used for real-time scenario analyzing.
69Moksud Alam Mallik, Nurul Fariza Zulkurnain, Jamil Ahmed Sk and Mohammed Khaja NizamuddinA survey on parallel clustering techniques for big data framework
710Shweta Singh and Malvika GuptaMessage Authentication over Network using IoT Architecture
813Payal Malik and Malvika GuptaRelationship between Independent and Dependent Variables and Calculating the Accuracy of Predicted and Actual Values using Linear Regression Method of Machine Learning
914Payal Malik and Shweta SinghComparative study of IoT Protocols: RPL vs LIBP and its Thwarting Issues
1015Arshdeep Kaurprediction of liver disorders using simple logistic technique of machine learning
1116Arshdeep Kauriot based alcohol detection system for small organization
1217Shiva Kumar C, Dr. Siddhaling Urolagin and Dr Poonam GhuliCognition of Using UnQL Querying in Context database with decision tree
1318Jyotirmoy Saha, Tiasha Pal and Dipta MukherjeeIndoor Navigation System using Augmented Reality
1420Sri Hari Prasath M, Manimegalai R and Sheeba AOptical Character Recognition using Deep Learning Techniques
1521Zakaria Rguibi, Abdelmajid Hajami and Zitouni Dyadeep learning in medical imaging : A Review
1622Sauvik Bal, Ashish Kumar Singh, Suramya Prakash, Saurabh Kumar, Bikash Ghosh, Priyodarshini Roy and Lopa MandalAn Intelligent Chatbot for Admission System of an Educational Institute and Prediction of User Interest in Taking Admission
1724Aryan Veturekar, Danish Shaikh and Himanshu SinghNaari: A Women Safety Application
1826Ankur Rane, Riya Jain, Vaidarbhi Bherde, Pratap Nair and Poulami DasA Virtual Book based on Human Anatomy
1928Koushik Deb, Arpita Konar, Kousheya Das, Shreya Guha, Mrityunjoy Sen and Avik MukherjeeCrime by Crowd Is Not Crime Any More: A Predictive Analysis of Riot and Radicalization Oriented Text of Social Media
2029Mithun Majumdar and Tirthankar GayenComputer Aided Segmentation of Oral Mucosa to Detect Cancer
2132Ankita Roy, Simran Agarwal and Koushik DebAssessing the Concerns of People in the Pandemic Situation: An Analytical Approach on the Social Media Data
2234Sauvik Bal, Avinash Kumar Choudhary, Sagorika Majumdar, Devsmita Pal and Lopa MandalSentiment Analysis on Educational Institute Reviews to Understand Likeliness of Institutes
2335Hriday Banerjee, Afaq Ahmad and Pratibha MitharwalIoT based automated vehicle parking system
2436Prithviraj Biswas, Rohan Chakraborty, Purushottam Thakur, Pallabi Das and Sourish MitraEmployopedia: Bridge The Gap Of Employability
2538Amrita Dey, Nikhil Bhargav, Zeeshan Mohammed Isahak Karajagi and Dr. Denis AshokTHE RIVER CLEANING TRASH BOT
2642Milad KhakiProgressive Cleaning and Mining of Uncertain Smart Water Meter Data
2844Suyash Kumar, Prabhjot Kaur and Anjana GosainComparative Study of Bagging Ensemble and ARIMA model for prediction of Covid-19 in India
2945Aniruddha Ghosh, Subhalaxmi Chakraborty and Amitabha SinhaFPGA based MAC units for signal processing algorithms with non-binary numeral system: An effective analysis
3046Sudarshan ChawatheUsing Data from In-Vehicle Recommender Systems to Predict Traveler Characteristics
3148Rupam BhattacharyaAn Artificial Intelligence Based Path Estimation of Heterogeneous Droplets in Digital Microfluidic Biochip
3249Malvika Gupta and Payal MalikThe Prediction of Coronavirus using the Logistic Regression Technique of Machine Learning
3351Dhirendra Kumar Sharma and Devashish ChoudharyA Modified Backoff Algorithm for Performance Improvement of MANETs
3452Rishabh Srivastava, Afaq Ahmad, Hriday Banerjee and Itisha VarshneyContactless attendance and temperature monitoring system
3553Sudip Kumar Palit, Mohuya Chakraborty and Subhalaxmi ChakrabortyMASKA: Mutual Authentication and Session Key Agreement Protocol in Global Mobility Networks
3657Santanu Ghorai, Pradip Saha, Diptarup Mukherjee, Akash Mondal, Aniket Bhaumik and Manshi RajPatient adaptive heart beat classification system using kernel based feature extraction method
3758Omar Farooq and Parminder SinghData Management Framework for Resource Constrained IoT Applications.
3859Soumadip Ghosh, Anjan Pal and Prithwineel PaulUsing Machine Learning for Obesity Level Estimation
3961Jaswant Singh Jothe and Punit Kumar JohariMulticlass Semantic Segmentation of COVID-19 CT Scan Images using Deep Learning
4062Sainik Kumar Mahata, Anupam Mondal, Monalisa Dey and Darothi SarkarSentiment Analysis using Machine Translation
4163Anupam Mondal, Monalisa Dey, Sainik Kumar Mahata and Darothi SarkarAn Automatic Summarization System to Understand the Impact of COVID-19 on Education
4264Aditya Mallik and Dipta MukherjeeA Message Encryption Technology Using Matrix
4365Mohassin Ahmad and Farida KhursheedA comparative analysis of Copy-move forgery detection algorithms
4471Amit Chatterjee and Sujay BiswasFruit Quality Assessment Using VGG16 and ImageNet Based Transfer Learning Technique
4572Amit Chatterjee and Sujay BiswasIndustry 4.0 in Dairy: Application of Machine Learning for Product Classification
4674Sudarshan ChawatheHuman Identification by Gait Using Body-Worn Sensors
4776Vinisha Malik, Sandip Kumar Goyal and Naveen MalikAndroid Malware Detector Based on Hybrid Features
4877Kuntala Das and Jyoti Sekhar BanerjeeGreen IoT for Intelligent Cyber- Physical Systems in Industry 4.0: A Review of Enabling Technologies, and Solutions
4978Bibhorr Bibhorr and Chirag R AnandAI Algorithm-Based Triangulation Modelling in Aerospace Vehicular Applications
5080Vijay Kumari, Ayush Jain, Yashvardhan Sharma and Lavika GoelConversational Question Answering System using RASA Framewor
5181Amartya Chakraborty, Asif Iqbal and Parnava RoyOn analyzing the Twitter usage and sentiment in India during the second wave of COVID-19
5282Sakshi Kalra, Ameya Pathak, Abhishek Agarwal, Yashvardhan Sharma and Gajendra Singh ChauhanComparative Analysis of Various Text Summarization Techniques via Leveraging Transformer Model for the Fake News Detection
5383Suparna Sadhu, Atreyee Mukherjee and Bipasha MukhopadhyayA machine learning based comparative approach to recognize handwritten document
5586Kuntala Das and Jyoti Sekhar BanerjeeCognitive Radio-Enabled Internet of Things (CR-IoT): An Integrated Approach towards Smarter World
5687Shweta Garg and Vinod KumarAnalyzing Challenges in adoption of SIOT system by using Fuzzy AHP methodology
5789Arpita Chakraborty, Jyoti Sekhar Banerjee, Biswajeet Singh, Arnab Sau, Debolina Sanyal, Baisakhi Sarkar and Sreejita BasuIntelligent Vehicle Accident Detection and Smart Rescue System
5890Sunil Chaudhari, Sanjay Kumar Singh and Milan JoshiA Review on Topological Data Analysis in Human Activity Recognition
5994Shatabdi Basu, Afaq Ahmed and Amitav DebnathHydrone : IOT enabled Autonomous Underwater Vehicle For Aquatic Ecosystem Monitoring
6095Rishav Majumder, Mitadru Dasgupta, Abhishek Biswas and Jyoti Sekhar BanerjeeIoT- Based Smart City for The Post COVID-19 World: A Child- Centric Implementation Emphasis on Social Distancing

Important Deadlines

  • Full Paper Submission- 25th May, 2021
  • Acceptance Notification- 10th August, 2021
  • Final Paper Submission- 15th August, 2021
  • Registration- 20th August, 2021
  • Conference Date- 8th-10th September, 2021


  • Best Paper Award Will be Given for Each Tracks
  • Proceedings of this conference will be published in the Conference proceedings of:-
  • The proceedings volume will be sent for indexing to scopus for inclusion after publication. 

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February 2025


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