Welcome to GCAIA 2021

Full Paper Submission- 25th May, 2021
Acceptance Notification- 10th August, 2021
Final Paper Submission- 15th August, 2021
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GCAIA  is a premier forum on Intelligent systems and Artificial Intelligence. The significant characteristic of GCAIA is the promotion of inevitable dialogue between scientists, researchers, engineers, corporate’s and scholar’s students to mitigate the gap between academia, industry, and governmental ethics. This motivation is fostered through keynote speeches, tutorials, workshops, exhibitions, and oral presentations by eminent researchers in relevant fields. In this platform, the academic researchers would expose the results and findings of laboratory-based experiments. The industry personnel depicts cutting-edge researches in Computer intelligence to convey academia regarding real-time scenarios and practical findings. The platform of GCAIA will also bring regional and international concerns for the discussions of recent advances in modern computation intelligence.

  •  Talks by industry experts on the state-of-the-art in computer science
  •  Lectures by eminent scientists designed to inspire and inform
  •  Presentations by innovative researchers coming from 20+ countries
  •  Discussion-oriented sessions and networking breaks to enable collaborations

With more research seeking innovation in modern science and technology should be the main focus of all which will finally lead to solving the current societal problems. The job of computation is earning so much significance in the field of computational intelligence, where the information is huge and time is less. The data obtained in such large volumes are to be processed in a very less amount of time for which various computational techniques are committed to being used. The structured data are used for further modeling and simulated for getting the desired output. The physical workability of such a model is then examined before being implemented. The era of modern science and technologies are playing a major role to make more efficient and good optimization techniques which provides extraordinary results in their respective field of application. For example, Data Mining is a prominent technique that enables to analysis large volume of data by removing the redundancy for machine learning applications. These tools are very powerful which trained the system to process the data and compute the result which might be quite impossible for the human mind to achieve.

The 2nd Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (GCAIA 2021) will be held in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India on September 8-10, 2021.

This conference is organized by the University of Engineering & Management, Jaipur, India. The conference is offering a huge number of invited researchers from renowned speakers all over the world. The best paper awards will be given for the papers judged to make the most significant contribution to the conference.

Important Deadlines

  • Full Paper Submission- 25th May, 2021
  • Acceptance Notification- 10th August, 2021
  • Final Paper Submission- 15th August, 2021
  • Registration- 20th August, 2021
  • Conference Date- 8th-10th September, 2021


  • Best Paper Award Will be Given for Each Tracks
  • Proceedings of this conference will be published in the Conference proceedings of:-
  • The proceedings volume will be sent for indexing to scopus for inclusion after publication. 

Time left for the conference

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