Easy Chair is to be used for submission link and all reviews are to be done as per the double blind norm. In order to submit the paper Click here

Paper Review Process

  • We will not accept plagiarized papers in GCAIA.
  • The GCAIA team will be checking the plagiarism level of all the submitted papers for ensuring the originality of content using a professional plagiarism checking tool which has authenticate as plagiarism checking software and thus any paper having a similarity score above 10% will not be processed further.
  • The conference aims at carrying out two rounds of the review process. In the first round, the papers submitted by the authors will be assessed based on their technical suitability, the scope of work, and plagiarism. The corresponding authors of qualifying submissions will be intimated for their papers to be double-blind reviewed by three experts based on originality, novelty, clarity, completeness, relevance, significance, and research contribution. The final decision regarding the acceptance of papers will be based upon the review remarks received after the second round of the review process.
  • Detailed Review Process is given below:-       

  With a strong emphasis on quality, for maintaining and enhancing the significance and reputation of the conference to its participants and the wider community, our review process can be summarized as follows:

  1. Authors are advised to submit their original and unpublished work (related to the theme of the conference). They clearly need to identify the problem, their contribution(s), and justification with respect to the state-of-the-artwork.
  2. The maximum number of paper lengths must not exceed 06 pages.
  3. Authors should take note that it is a double-blind submission. Authors should not disclose their names, affiliations, funding sources, and previous works that help find them via web search engines.
  4. Authors need to submit their papers through EasyChair, for example, the link to submit the paper is


  1. The program committee review only those papers that develop, argue, and provide results through a double-blind reviewing policy.
  2. In the very beginning, if authors do not follow a double-blind submission policy, chairs will make a desk rejection.
  3. PC chairs will then allow technical PC members to choose the research topics they are willing to review. Based on this and their expertise, PC chairs will assign papers for review. PC chairs will do it manually.
  4. Technical PC members can identify competent reviewers outside the Technical Committee board and can hand over some papers if the papers are not within their field of expertise, and the whole process is available in Easychair (i.e., taking help from sub reviewers).
  5. Technical PC members are, however, still responsible for the quality and timeliness of the reviews allocated originally to them. Accordingly, the paper/review management system supports the allocation of reviews, at the initiation of PC members.
  6. For evaluating the papers, the EasyChair scores mechanism will be followed:
  7. Strong accept (3), Accept (2) and Weak accept (1)
  8. Borderline (0)
  9. Strong reject (-3), Reject (-2) and Weak reject (-1)
  10. In all cases, PC chairs will work closely. Based on the review reports and the scores, PC chairs send notifications to the authors via along with the review reports/scores.
  11. Notification is based on an average score provided by the assigned reviewers.
  12. Note that notification, in the first review, will be straight: accept and reject.
  13. The papers with an average score less than 0 will be rejected.
  14. For accepted papers, TPC chairs will provide a month for an additional revision, if any. This will mostly be useful for those authors who have received major comments.
  15. After having revised versions, we will have the exact same set of experts for review and will add one more in case there exist contradictory review reports/scores. An example of contradictory review means giving +3 (strong accept) and -3 (strong reject) scores from two different for the same paper. At this point, PC chairs will help invite an additional reviewer.
  16. After having all review reports/scores, PC chairs will make a final decision. The decisions can be categorized into long and short papers.
  17. The papers with average scores in the range of 2 – 3 are categorized as long papers, and the rest of the accepted papers (see item 7) are referred to as short papers.
  18. Long papers are of high quality and should be in the range of 10-14 pages at the time of camera-ready submission.
  19. Proof of concept (but still a new idea), are categorized into short papers, which are in the range of 6-8 pages at the time of camera-ready submission. It also includes position papers. These papers are portraying a short report of work in progress or an arguable opinion about an issue discussing ideas, facts, situations, methods, procedures, or results of scientific research (related to one of the conference topic areas).
  20. But, at the event, we have only oral and poster presentations. The oral presentation contains both long and short papers, and for poster presentation, position papers are taken.

 Guideline for authors of accepted papers

  • Register for GCAIA. Registration can be done through Online mode. Note that registration is completed once payment is Completed. Registration is a prerequisite for the next steps, so please register as soon as possible.
  • If you require a visa support letter, please download the form from here, fill in your details and mail it to us as soon as possible. Please read the guide before sending the visa letter form.
  •  The visa support letter for the attendee can be found here.
  • Download the copyright agreement form from below, fill in your details, and add your signature.

Important Deadlines

  • Full Paper Submission- 25th May, 2021
  • Acceptance Notification- 10th August, 2021
  • Final Paper Submission- 15th August, 2021
  • Registration- 20th August, 2021
  • Conference Date- 8th-10th September, 2021


  • Best Paper Award Will be Given for Each Tracks
  • Proceedings of this conference will be published in the Conference proceedings of:-
  • The proceedings volume will be sent for indexing to scopus for inclusion after publication. 

Time left for the conference

-1241Days -19Hours -44Minutes -25Seconds


February 2025


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